In March 2024, 254 fatalities occurred on the roads of mainland France and 18 overseas.
It is estimated that 254 people died on the roads of mainland France in March 2024, compared with 194 in March 2023, a sharp increase of 31%, but stable compared with March 2019 (255 killed). In particular, there was a sharp increase in the number of car users fatalities (+29 killed), and an increase in the number of fatalities in powered two-wheelers (+9 killed) and in bicycles (+5 killed). This sharp rise concerned all ages, and in particular young people aged 18-24 (+23 fatalities). The increase was mainly on rural roads.
1,164 people were seriously injured in March 2024, +10% compared with March 2023 (according to the estimation method developed by ONISR on the basis of work by Gustave Eiffel University). This increase concerned fatalities in car users (+15%), cyclists (+14%) and powered twowheelers (+7%).
* March 2024 compared with March 2023
** Cumulative 3 months from January 2024 to March 2024 compared with cumulative 3 months from January 2023 to March 2023
Data source : ONISR - Data on accidents involving injuries recorded by police forces - Geographical area : France mainland
Labelled series for fatalities (definitives until 2022, quasi-definitives 2023), ONISR-UGE estimations seriously injured, 2024 estimate based on data as of 2024/04/08
Evolution of the number of users fatalities cumulated on a rolling 12 months
Overall, fatalities over the last 12 months have increased by +1% compared to the previous 12 months, and stable compared to 2019, year taken as a reference for the 2020-2030 decade.
Since the pandemic, car users have accounted for just under half of all road deaths. Their fatalities over the last 12 months is estimated at 1,551 fatalities up by +1% compared to the previous 12 months and lower by -4% compared to 2019.
Fatalities among powered two-wheeler users have fallen significantly over the past 12 months: 720 people were killed, a result equivalent to the previous 12 months, and lower by -4% compared to 2019.
Pedestrian fatalities have fallen sharply over the past 12 months: 472 pedestrians have died, a result equivalent to the previous 12 months, and lower by -2% compared to 2019.
Cycling fatalities over the last 12 months show a downward trend: 231 cyclists were killed, lower by -3% compared to the previous 12 months. However, this result is +24% higher than in 2019. The French are showing an interest in using individual modes of transport for short journeys in towns and cities, but they also use bicycles for leisure activities in rural areas.
Fatalities among PMDs motorized users has risen sharply over the last 12 months, 42 people were killed in the last year, a rise of +24% compared to the previous 12 months.
Fatalities among young adults aged 18-24, after falling in 2023, is on rise again: 528 young people were killed, a result equivalent to the previous 12 months, and by -8% compared with 2019.
Fatalities among people aged 65 or over stands at 910 people killed in the last 12 months, increase of +7% compared with the previous 12 months and up by +7% compared to 2019.
Data source : ONISR - Data on accidents involving injuries recorded by police forces - Geographical area : France mainland
Labelled series for fatalities (definitives until 2022, quasi-definitives 2023), 2024 estimate based on data as of 2024/04/08
Evolution of the number of users fatalities cumulated on a rolling 12 months
Overall, the number of seriously injured over the last 12 months is up by +1% compared to the previous 12 months, and lower by -2% compared to 2019, year taken as a reference for the 2020-2030 decade.
Powered two-wheeler represent for a third of seriously injured; over the last 12 months, they are estimated at 5,300 seriously injured, up by +2% compared with the previous 12 months and lower by -7% compared to 2019.
Car users account for just under a third of seriously injured; over the last 12 months, they are estimated at 4,800 seriously injured, slightly up by +1% compared to the previous 12 months and lower by -6% compared to 2019.
The number of cyclists seriously injured over the last 12 months is well above the figure for 2019, but has recently fallen: 2,500 cyclists are thought to have been seriously injured over the last 12 months, lower by -2% compared the previous 12 months, but higher by +9% compared to 2019. Indeed, the French are showing an interest in using individual modes of transport for short journeys in towns and cities, but they also use bicycles for leisure activities in rural areas.
The number of seriously injured pedestrians has been stable over the past year, but remains significantly lower than in 2019: an estimated 2,000 pedestrians have been seriously injured over the past 12 months, by +3% compared to the previous 12 months and by -12% compared to 2019.
The number of seriously injured PMDs motorized users continues to rise, with over 600 seriously injured in the last 12 months, up by +4% compared to the previous 12 months.
The number of seriously injured among young adults aged 18-24, an age group at high risk of severe road crashes, has been on a downward trend over the last 12 months, with 2,800 seriously injured, up slightly by 4% on the previous 12 months and stable compared to 2019.
The number of seriously injured people among people aged 65 or over is estimated at 2,600 seriously injured over the last 12 months, higher by +5% compared with the previous 12 months and stable compared to 2019.
Data source : ONISR - Data on accidents involving injuries recorded by police forces - Geographical area : France mainland
ONISR-UGE estimations seriously injured, 2024 estimate based on data as of 2024/04/08
Detailed table for March 2024, and the last 3 months compared to the same period last year
Overall, the trend is up on rural road (+17% for fatalities and +4% for seriously injured) and on motorways (+34% for fatalities, +29% for seriously injured); it is stable in urban areas for fatalities and seriously injured people.
** Cumulative 3 months from January 2024 to March 2024 compared with cumulative 3 months from January 2023 to March 2023
Data source : ONISR - Data on accidents involving injuries recorded by police forces - Geographical area : France mainland
Labelled series for fatalities (definitives until 2022, quasi-definitives 2023), ONISR-UGE estimations seriously injured, 2024 estimate based on data as of 2024/04/08
In March 2024, the police recorded 277 injury accidents for french overseas, 3% more than in 2023.
In these accidents, there were:
- 18 fatalities (9 in the DROMs and 9 in the other territories), i.e. -14% compared to 2023;
- 357 injured (312 in the DROMs and 45 in the other territories), stable compared to 2023.
* March 2024 compared with March 2023
** Cumulative 3 months from January 2024 to March 2024 compared with cumulative 3 months from January 2023 to March 2023
Data source : ONISR - Data on accidents involving injuries recorded by police forces - Geographical area : DROM, COM-NC
Definitive data until 2022, quasi-definitive 2023, provisional BAAC data stopped on 2024/04/08 for the year 2024
The decrease in the number of deaths and the increase in the number of injured recorded by the police this March 2024 is similar to the trend observed over the last 3 months.
This trend is also reflected in the French overseas counties and regions (-3% of fatalities and +4% of injured recorded), while in the other French overseas territories the number of fatalities and injured fell (-32% of fatalities and -11% of injured recorded).