The French Road Safety Observatory  (ONISR) is a French organisation, inter-ministerial since 1993, advisor to the Road Safety inter-ministerial Director. The observatory collects, formats, interprets and disseminates the various national road safety statistics. Data analyses are published with the support of Cerema in an annual report. ONISR also produces and publishes a monthly dashboard. They provide data to Eurostat through the Care database, as well as other international organisations (OECD, WHO). Detailed data are also made available on the French government opendata platform (www.data.gouv.fr).

In addition, ONISR leads the research and study programme funded by the Road Safety Directorate : they influence research and ensure the follow-up of road safety performance  studies as well as the evaluation of road safety measures that are in place or planned.

ONISR represents the French Government in various international road safety networks. The role of ONISR is dictated by Decree No. 75-360 of 15 May 1975 (Annexes 1 and 2) on the Inter-ministerial Committee on Road Safety, as amended, and by the Decree of 27 April 2017 on the internal organisation of the Road safety directorate. The main indicators for road traffic accidents have been certified since 2013 by the French Public Statistics Authority (find here the certified indicators).

In this section you will find information about the network of stakeholders involved in collecting, checking and analysing road safety data.

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Road Safety observatories

Road Safety Observatories at county and regional level monitor accidents on their territory.

Local partners

The recording, consolidation and analysis of accident data is based on a panel of local actors: the police forces and road managers who deal with road traffic accidents, the...

Ministerial partners

Various ministries and central administrations produce data related to road safety.

Research partners

Road safety research is an essential element for progress in the fight against accidents. The challenge is to understand the complex mechanisms of...

International partners

The sharing of information between observatories and researchers from different countries is organised at European and international level.


The French Road Safety Observatory (ONISR) leads the collection and consolidation of accident data and publishes road safety analyses....