The National Road Safety Council established on February 13, 2013 in plenary session the composition of the Committee of Experts which is to assist it in its work during the period 2013-2015.
The 2013-2015 mandate of the Committee of Experts consisted of the following members :
- Jean-Pascal ASSAILLY (IFSTTAR): Youth Psychology
- Dominique BOUTON (BEA-TT): Infrastructures
- Roger BRAUN (Automobile Club Association): Traffic education
- Yvan CASTEELS (IBSR-BIVV): Accidentology
- Marie-Line GALLENNE (IFSTTAR): Infrastructures
- Claude GOT (René-Descartes University): Accidentology
- Emmanuel LAGARDE (Inserm): Epidemiology, seniors.
- Sylvain LASSARRE (IFSTTAR): Evaluation
- Bernard LAUMON (IFSTTAR) : Epidemiology
- Damien LEGER (AP-HP): Drowsiness
- Dominique MIGNOT (IFSTTAR): Accidentology
- Michèle MUHLMANN WEILL (CFMT): Traffic Medicine
- Yves PAGE (Renault): Accident sciences and vehicles
- Claudine PEREZ-DIAZ (University of Paris Descartes): Sociology
- Louis-Rachid SALMI (Inserm) : Epidemiology
- Pierre VAN ELSLANDE (IFSTTAR): Motorized two-wheelers
Various documents have been produced under its mandate:
- Notice concerning the inter-file circulation of motorized two-wheelers (June 2013)
- Proposal for a strategy to halve the number of people killed or seriously injured by 2020 - Volume 1: set of 4 actions (November 2013)
- Note on the project to experiment with a maximum authorised speed of 80 km/h on two-way roads currently limited to 90 km/h (June 2014)
- Proposal for a strategy to halve the number of people killed or seriously injured by 2020 - Volume 2: groups at risk (June 2014)
- Thematic dossier: Urban and interurban infrastructures - Management and actions for road and street safety (October 2015)
- Thematic dossier: Road and vehicle safety (November 2015)
- Thematic dossier: Lack of attention in driving and proposals for measures to remedy this (January 2016)
The 2013-2015 Committee reports are available by clicking on this link (labelled 2013, 2014, 2015 or 2016, in French).