Road safety research is an essential element for progress in the fight against accidents. The challenge is to understand the complex mechanisms of the accident, the dysfunction of the traffic system composed of infrastructure, vehicles and road users.
Université Gustave Eiffel
The University was created in 2020, bringing together Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée and IFSTTAR, the Institute for European Research on Cities and Regions, Transport and Civil Engineering. It also encompasses a school of architecture, EAV&T, and three engineering schools, EIVP, ENSG Géomatique and ESIEE Paris.
The university conducts research and expertise in the fields of transport, infrastructure, natural hazards and cities in order to improve the living conditions of our fellow citizens and, more broadly, to promote the sustainable development of our societies. These missions were carried out by Ifsttar, created in 2011 from the merger of INRETS and LCPC.
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The Centre for studies and expertise on risks, the environment, mobility and development (Cerema), created on 1 January 2014 from the merger of SETRA, CERTU, CETMEF and CETE, is a public institution dedicated to supporting public policies, placed under the dual supervision of the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition and the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion.
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The Vélo et territoires association (bike and territories), created in 1996, has established itself as a network of local authorities (regions, departments, inter-communalities) which makes it possible to gather and present information on the development of cycling in France.
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The Land Transport Accident Investigation Bureau was established in 2004 to conduct independent and thorough technical investigations into serious or potentially serious land transport accidents or incidents. Its objective is to understand the circumstances and make recommendations to avoid similar accidents in the future.
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The UTAC CERAM group was created in 2013 from the union of UTAC (Union Technique de l'Automobile et du Cycle), an organisation that brought together the institutional activities of regulation, approval, roadworthiness tests and certification, with CERAM (Centre for Testing and Research Applied to Mobility). It includes within its remit the Automotive Standards Bureau (BNA) created in 1927, and has been designated since 1991 by the Ministry of Transport as the Central Technical Organisation (OTC). As such, it centralises all the results of vehicle roadworthiness tests, identifies in technological developments the need to adapt tests to vehicles innovation, and assists the Administration.
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The European Centre for Safety Studies and Risk Analysis (CEESAR) is an association (under the law of 1901) which conducts studies and research in accidentology. Halfway between industry and public authorities, it brings together industrialists (French car manufacturers, equipment suppliers), engineering schools and research bodies, insurers, and personalities from the medical or industrial world concerned with risk prevention and primarily road risks.
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