Road deaths in the first semester of 2019 were down -0.6% in metropolitan France.
France mainland
During the second quarter of 2019, 774 people died compared to 842 in 2018, i.e. 68 fewer people killed (-8%). This decrease mainly concerns seniors aged 65 and over (34 fewer killed) and motorcyclists (33 fewer killed), while young adults age 18-24 y/o died more (20 additional deaths).
In June 2019, 290 people died, the same number as in June 2018. An significant increase in mortality appears for young adults age 18-24 y/o (18 more of them were killed in June 2019).
During the first semester 2019, it is estimated that 1515 people died on French mainland roads, compared to 1541 killed as per the 5-year average of 1st semesters 2013-2017. According to first estimates, the result by network type would be :
- 145 killed on motorways, compared to 109 killed over 5 years, therefore an additional 36 fatalities ;
- 882 killed on non-motorway roads outside urban areas, compared to 963 over 5 years, therefore 81 fewer fatalities ;
- 488 killed on urban network, compared to 470 over 5 years, therefore an additional 18 fatalities.
Spring weather in the first quarter of 2019 generated unusual travel practices for the winter, while the second quarter was more average. Like two particularly mild winters (2011 and 2016), road deaths in the first quarter reflect the increase in travel. However, the observed impact is smaller because the impact on roads outside urban areas is mitigated by the change in speed limit to 80 km/h.
Mortality trend according to the road network since end 2016
The graph below shows the comparative evolution between mortality on roads outside urban areas (in green), 90% of which is composed of that recorded on two-way roads limited to 80 km/h since 1 July 2018, and mortality on other road networks (motorways and urban network, in orange). While mortality on these networks is back to the level of mortality at the end of 2016, mortality on roads outside urban areas is down by -11%.
During the first 6 months of 2019, 118 people were killed compared to 116 in the first semester of 2018.
In June 2019, the number of road deaths was greater than in June 2018, with 10 more people killed (23 killed in June 2019 compared to 13 killed in June 2018).