Main accident indicators for French mainland regions - update september 2023 data
Main regional indicators for France mainland
In 2022, 3 regions recorded between 370 and 420 deaths (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Occitanie) and 4 between 260 and 300 deaths (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Ile-de-France, Hauts-de-France and Grand-Est).
The risk, in relation to the population
Over 2018-2022, 46 people per million inhabitants died in France mainland. The regions of Ile-de-France (23) and Hauts-de-France (41) have a lower than average risk. The risk is highest in Bourgogne-FrancheComté (70) and Corsica (82).
The risk for 18-24 years old (94) is twice as high than the average (46). It is highest in PACA (122), CentreVDL (125), Occitania (128), Nouvelle-Aquitaine (130), Bourgogne-F-C (141) and Corsica (219).
The risk for 25-34 years old is 61, but it is 82 in Centre-VDL, 84 in Corse, 88 in PACA and 99 in Bourgogne-F-C.
Mortality per million inhabitants for those aged 65 and over (57) is very high in Bourgogne-F-C (85) and Corsica (93); low in Ile-de-France (31).
A variety of mobility practices
As mobility practices differ from one region to another, the distribution of people killed by mode of travel varies greatly.
- The share of pedestrians among those killed is 15% in metropolitan France and varies from 5% in Occitanie to 27% in Île-de-France.
- The share of cyclists among those killed is 7%. It varies from 1% in Corse to 9% in Bretagne.
- Motorcycle users account for 23% of fatalities in 5 years. They are strongly represented among those killed in Corsica and PACA (34% and 37% respectively). The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, PACA and Ile-de-France regions account for 29% of the 2WDs killed in metropolitan France.
34% of people killed are killed in an accident involving a user on a home-to-work or work trip, which is half of the people killed in Ile-de-France. Over the 2018-2022 period, motorized bicycles are strongly represented (37%) among people killed during a home-work trip: 4 out of 10 people killed in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Normandy and Ile-de-France and up to 6 out of 10 people killed in PACA.
Alcohol and/or drugs are involved in 42% of deaths in metropolitan France. Some regions are more heavily involved (48% in Pays-de-la-Loire and 46% in PACA). Bourgogne-F-C have on average a slightly lower proportion of people killed in accidents involving alcohol and/or drugs (38%).