In 2021, work-related trips (home-to-work or work trip) account for 19% of road deaths where the motive for travel is known.
Road risk is the leading cause of work-related mortality and leads to 6 million sick leaves, a cost for companies of 725 million euros (CNAMTS, White Paper, 2012).
38% of injury accidents involve at least one user travelling from home to work or work.
In 2021, 454 people were killed during a work-related trip (19% of deaths where information on the reason for travel is provided) :
- 308 people, or 13% of all road deaths for which the reason for travel is indicated, during a home-work trip (trip between home or meal and work);
- 146 people, or 6% of all road deaths for which the reason for travel is given, during a business trip (trip made in the course of a business trip).
Compared to 2010, the number of people killed on the way to and from work decreased by 19% outside built-up areas, but conversely, the number of people killed in built-up areas increased from 16 to 29 (an increase of 81%).
67% of people killed in the workplace are killed on roads outside urban areas.
The proportion of people killed in urban areas seems to be lower during work-related journeys than during other types of journeys, but the return journey, if not direct, can be recorded as shopping or leisure.
The proportion of people killed on motorways is much higher during business trips (27%) than during other types of trips (6%). Of the 25 people killed on the motorway during a business trip, 12 were killed by heavy goods vehicles.
37% of people killed on the commute to work were on powered two-wheelers.
50% of people killed during a commuting trip are killed in passenger cars or utility vehicles. 37% use PTW (107 deaths) while this mode is used in only 2% of home-to-work journeys. Public transport (including rail) accounts for 15% of commuting, for no user killed in 2021 during these journeys.
Half of the people killed during a business trip were killed in heavy goods vehicles (28 people) or utility vehicles (15 people).
20% of those killed while commuting were between 15 and 24 years old.
During commuting, 15-24 year-olds represent 21% of fatalities while their share of the working population is only 10%. During work journeys, half of the people killed (71 out of 146) are over 44 years old, although this age group represents 43% of the working population.
Men account for 92% of fatalities on business trips and 80% of fatalities on the way to work
The majority of serious victims (people killed or hospitalized more than 24 hours) in work-related accidents are men. 92% of people killed on a work trip and 80% of people killed on a home-to-work trip are men, whereas they represent only 52% of the working population.
Some differences between men and women may partly explain this over-representation: for commuting, modal practices are very different according to sex: men use PTW five times more than women, who use Public Transport more often or walk; women are a minority in some jobs that have a higher exposure to road risk, for example in construction or among professional drivers (they represent only 10% of the workforce). On the other hand, women are more present in certain sectors such as health, with staggered working hours that expose them more strongly to road risk.