French motorways : State or Private operated ?

Read here key elements about the French trunk road network :

  • Ministry of Transport- operating the French trunk road network
  • ASFA-private maintained motorways key figures

In France, roads are the main support for mobility of passengers (88% of trips) and freight (87,6%).

Since the 1990s, the road network has been developed in order to connect areas, to open up the regions toeurope, to link the channel and Atlantic coasts and major seaports to large cities and Europe, to answer the increase of traffic and to restrict the transit traffic in the capital region.

The challenges of sustainable development have become a cornerstone of transport policy in France.

France has identified four major trends in maintenance, modernisation and development of transport networks:

  • optimise the existing transport system to limit the creation of new infrastructures;
  • improve its performance to service territories;
  • improve its energy efficiency;
  • reduce the environmental footprint of infrastructure and of transport equipments.

To achieve these goals, different strategies have been developed:
implementation of dynamic traffic management systems on dense traffic sections;

  • global management aimed at promoting public transport use;
  • maintaining a high-level safety and comfort of road travels;
  • extending predictive traffic information and real-time information.