Monthly dashboard

The quick reporting transmitted by the services of the Ministry of the Interior on provisional numbers for injury accidents, fatalities, and injured people makes it possible to give a provisional estimate of the accidentality results in France for a given month from the first days of the following month.

These estimates, extrapolated from the provisional figures, are presented in a monthly dashboard offering various comparisons (from the month to the same month of the previous year, from the first n months of the year to the same n months of the previous year) as well as trend monitoring based on 12 sliding months.

Since January 2021, the barometer includes more monthly indicators (mortality by mode of travel, road network, or for certain sensitive age groups), estimated thanks to the new TRAxy information system, and allows more detailed comments for the current month, the trend since the beginning of the year and over 12 gliding months. Furthermore, in order to identify the particularities linked to the health crisis, at the beginning of a new decade, the 2019 indicators are presented in comparison - the year 2019 can be considered as a representative year of the results achieved before the health crisis. Several methodological inserts have been added.

silhouettes of killed
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