49th Congress ATEC ITS France on Smart Mobility

Organizer ATEC ITS France
from 18 January 2022 to 20 January 2022 - Paris, Beffroi de Montrouge

From 18 to 20 January 2022, the 49th ATEC ITS France Congress will be held in Paris (Beffroi de Montrouge), dedicated to smart mobility. Bringing together many players in the field of transport, it aims to present the innovations of the sector, while allowing exchanges and promoting meetings between different fields of expertise.

The programme of the event is very comprehensive and seeks to facilitate exchanges while promoting innovation. Many themes will be addressed each day, among which we can find :

  • Monday 18/01: active modes, energy transition, decarbonised mobility...
  • Tuesday 19/01: carpooling, safety of emergency workers, the health crisis and its impact...
  • Wednesday 20/01: public transport, the autonomous vehicle, traffic regulation...

The full programme can be found on the congress website, by following the link opposite.