Organisation process for the 8th session of the Road Safety Directorate (DSR) Call for Research projects :
The 2024 Call for Research projects started January 15.
1. Quality and address of the competent authority
Délégation à la sécurité routière (Road Safety Directorate)
Ministère de l'Intérieur - Place Beauvau
75 800 PARIS CEDEX 08
2. Priority research areas of the call for projects
Priority research areas are as follows:
Axis 1: Accident factors
Axis 2: Road users
Axis 3: The wounded
Axis 4: Lifelong education and training
Axis 5: Evolutions of the vehicle
Axis 6: Territorial specificities
These axes are not exclusive. Any proposal for subjects not directly falling under one of these axes may be subsidized within the framework of the call for projects in view of the elements of assessment presented in part "6. Project selection methods".
3. Applicants eligibility
Any public, semi-public or private organization carrying out its activity in the field of road safety is eligible for this call for projects. As part of a research perspective, the bidding teams must have “road safety” expertise or “business” expertise (in statistics, evaluation, socio-economic analysis, etc.).
4. Deadline for the submission of applications
Submission files have to be received no later than April 5 at 5 p.m. (Paris time).
5. How to apply
Project leaders may send a dematerialized version of the submission file in word processing format (Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer), by email to the functional address of ONISR :
Applicants may request the services of the DSR for additional information at the same functional address.
6. Project selection procedures
As part of a simplified procedure, the submission files will be examined by the competent DSR departments. Their pre-selection will be subject to the decision of a selection committee, chaired by the Interministerial Delegate for Road Safety. The projects will be studied with regard to :
- areas of research to which the project refers
- the subject proposed,
- the objectives and purposes of the project, and in particular the targeted contribution to knowledge and its usefulness for the public decision-maker,
- taking into account socio-territorial specificities; when the subject lends itself to it and proposes a territorial analysis, this must include one or more overseas territories,
- the ambition of researchers to feed the DSR with regular and pragmatic/operational feedback,
- the sources used and the rights of access to the data and information already available to the team as well as their ability to access and process them,
- the compliance of the project with the obligations arising from the General Regulations on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR),
- the proposed methodology,
- the composition of the team and the profile of each member of this team,
- the overall amount of the project and that of the financial aid requested,
- and the estimated timetable for carrying out the project.
Subsequently, a phase of discussions with the project team and the DSR departments will make it possible to complete the submission files that have caught the attention of the members of the selection committee and, if necessary, to draw up the grant agreement.
7. Provisional timetable for the procedure :
Session 2024
- Opening date of the Call for projects : Monday, January 15, 2024
- Closing date of the Call for projects : Friday, April 5, 2024 at 5 pm, Paris time
- Meeting of the Selection Committee : in June 2024
- Signing of the grant agreement: from July 2024